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Mondays @ 9:00 AM - Crafters

This group gathers on Monday mornings for fellowship, crafting, and mission. Many of the knitted and crocheted objects this group creates go to support local non-prophet organizations, shelters, and hospitals. This group is not limited to the fiber arts. All crafters are welcome to come. After a morning of crafting, join this group for lunch at Wendy's. 

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Fifty More or Less Meets monthly 

 Join together at a different restaurant every month for good food, friends, and time together. For this month's location, date, and time please call the church office at 734-782-2565 or check our Facebook page.  

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First Saturdays of each month @ 7 AM - Men's Coffee

@ 8:30 AM Men's Breakfast

Faith, Food, and Fellowship! All men are invited. 28400 Evergreen St. Flat Rock MI 48134.

Saturdays @ 9:30 AM - Garage Group AA

This is a closed Alcoholics Anonymous Group. 

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Tuesdays @ 6:30 PM - Cubscout Pack 568

For more information about joining Cubscouts contact the CubMaster - Scott Goocher 


Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM - Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop 568

For more information about joining BSA contact the ScoutMaster - John Sheets 

Wednesdays @ 7:00 PM - Girl Scout Troop 76902

For more information about joining Girl Scouts contact the Troop Leader - Jennifer Powers 

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