"God’s kingdom isn’t about eating food and drinking but about righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Whoever serves Christ this way pleases God and gets human approval. So let’s strive for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up".
Romans 14:17 - 19
Meals Ministry
Meals Ministry is a group of people who prepare an evening meal for our family members who need help due to an injury, illness, just got out of the hospital, death in the family, or perhaps a new baby.
ChristNet Services is a day center for the homeless. During the late fall to early spring, we participate with other churches to provide a Rotating Night Shelter.
NOAH Project, volunteers make sandwiches once a month to be served on the third Thursday of each month at Central United Methodist Church’s NOAH Project to feed Detroit’s homeless community.
5th Wednesday Meal
5th Wednesday Join in helping to prepare and serve a community meal at our neighbors at the First Congregational UCC Church. Different congregations help serve each week. We prepare the meal every 5th Wednesday.