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Message from our new pastor, Rev. Albert Barchue


Greetings to you.
About fifteen years ago when the bishops laid their hands on my head in
ordination to the preaching ministry, I had no clue that God would extend my
mission fields beyond my national borders, and this is exactly where I have found
myself in the last years, and this has been a wonderful ministry journey for me.
As a native of Liberia, West Africa, I grew up in the church and was nurtured by
the Sunday School, United Methodist Youth Fellowship, the Young Adults
Fellowship, and went on to the pastoral ministry. I served several churches and
also became a District Superintendent in the United Methodist Church of Liberia.
My ministry journey in the United States started in 2013, first as a foreign student
(2013-2016), and since then, I have pastored churches in the Michigan
Conference, including Negaunne-Mitchell UM, in the Upper Peninsula, Pigeon-
Salem, in the Thumb, and the Northeast Missaukee Parish: Moorestown and
Merritt United Methodist Churches, but the previous two have now disaffiliated.
I hold a Bachelor of Theology (BTh), a Master of Education (Med.) from the United
Methodist University and the Cuttington University Graduate School in Liberia,
and I also hold a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) from Drew University, Madison, New
Jersey, USA. But above all, I carry the love of Jesus Christ in my heart.
I am married to Eva, and we are blessed with three children: Matee, Joyce and
Elijah. We also have three adorable grandchildren: Melvin, Joysel and Marvelous.
I am very excited to join the Flat Rock First UMC family, to journey with you in
ministry as we discern together where God is calling us at this moment.


Pastor Rachael Dunlap

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